Project Description


With restrictions easing and lockdown coming to an end – has the novelty of having no commute and working in our pyjamas worn off?

2020 has been an unprecedented year and it’s normal to feel apprehensive about returning to your workplace, but it’s important to not underestimate the great benefits that come with working in the office.

Work/Life Balance

One of the key benefits of working remotely is the flexible hours, but in turn this can lead to you working longer than the average workday. A recent LinkedIn study found that Brits are putting in an extra 28 hours a month while working from home – equivalent to four working days.

Going to a building dedicated to work allows you to have a definite start and finish to your workday and lets you leave your work behind in the office. In turn, this allows your own house to be your ‘safe space’.

Collaboration and Productivity

A company is as strong as its people, and for companies to thrive and grow they need their people to interact and collaborate. Collaboration is a huge part of creating a productive work environment and will enable faster paced innovation, employee skill building, a sense of belonging and purpose and ultimately more satisfied customers.

Socialising and Relationships

Having good work friends can help you be more satisfied and stay at your job longer but maintaining friendships without physical contact can be very difficult. Approximately 80 percent of all communication is nonverbal: cues like facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language. This means on the endless Zoom calls and Microsoft Teams meetings with your colleagues – you are only getting 20% of what someone is trying to communicate to you and messages can easily be misconstrued.


Unreliable Wi-Fi, subpar work equipment and makeshift desks has made working from home even more difficult. As much as we think we know all about our laptops, our knowledge will never be quite as on par as the IT department! Being back in the office and having the IT professionals around allows you to concentrate less on what isn’t working for you, and more on what is.

Economic uplift

Even with lockdown restrictions easing in many parts of the country, the high street is still struggling. Local office workers make up a large percentage of customers for cafes, pubs, and restaurants. Heading back into the office not only means that you no longer have to worry about making your own caramel latte at home, but you’re also injecting some life back into the local economy!